Friday 11 September 2009

First week of my project

What a week! (and still lots of challenges ahead)
This week was really rewarding for my research project.
First of all, I got immediate acceptance from my students to take active part in the project: it sets a high -and challenging, point of departure and makes me feel I might have been going in the right direction with the activities I have implemented since last February, even though they have not been dealing with writing skills development very much.

Additionally, I was highly surprised when I saw their enthusiasm while we did the PowerPoint presentation for the listening and speaking activity we had done last week in our LASAM course. They especially enjoyed the use of the oddcast photoface© avatars.
I was also given carte blanche by the director of the specialty, an issue which reinforces the positive perception they have of the work I have been doing over these months.

The fact we only have lessons every Wednesday might delay the first stage of piloting the data collection instruments I have chosen, but since they had not signed the consent letters, sending the link for the survey earlier seemed a bit abusive. I will do it next week. In the meantime, I have already sent them the learner profile document for them to start collecting external data (e.g. the learning style test and the personality factors)and getting acquainted with the information contained therein.

In general, a great week, but there is only one concern: I still need to fine-tune the research project since the one I had originally designed could not be put into practice. I hope to finish by Saturday and when I am ready, I will come back for more reflections.

Bye for now.

Pencil with the words writing. (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved on September 11, 2009 from!

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