Wednesday 23 September 2009

Second week

Second week and still lots of work ahead...

Now we have already jumped in the water!

I post this late because some health problems made me prioritise other tasks and I could not come back before. On September 16, 2009 we held a session in which learners were presented with the details of the research project: they showed interest and motivation and asked lots of questions related to schedules, objectives, kind of tasks and ways of delivering the entire process. They submitted the basic information of both learner profiles, though the initial survey has not been filled out by them. I will send a reminder later this week, and hope to be able to include the information collected there in the core analysis of the paper.

In the same session they were allowed thirty minutes to write the argumentative essay which will be used as a data collection instrument: it will be compared to the essay they will write on the last session of the research project to identify possible changes.

The first self-access activity was assigned in the same lesson, I described its outline and answered their questions. They were a bit puzzled about the topic -political correctness, since they had never heard of it. The results of the controlled practice activities will be described in our next record here. I received both completed guides on Monday and Tuesday, the learner who sent it the latest complained of having to do too much! I will analyse the amount and the complexity of the tasks assigned so that they do not feel it as a burden.

Finally, there are lots of information I have collected during these days and I need to find the most appropriate way to start the analysis as soon as possible because I am eager to see results. By the way, I did some theoretical work on kinds of data -quantitative and qualitative, and I need to fine-tune my selection of data collection tools to avoid mismatches between the information collected and the ways to measure them, so that no effort is wasted and the most appropriate choices are made and the information collected is effectively used and reliably analysed.

Thanks for reading!


Víctor Lugo

Moonjazz. (2008). (Photographer) Wall of water. [Online Image]. Retrieved on September 23, 2009 from

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